Nov-11-2016 10:51 AM
Nov-11-2016 05:56 PM
Nov-11-2016 05:38 PM
Nov-11-2016 02:52 PM
Nov-11-2016 02:29 PM
dougrainer wrote:
The aftermarket installs are the smaller door locks. You have the large Tri Mark and I have not seen a kit to replace your size lock. Doug
Nov-11-2016 12:54 PM
Nov-11-2016 11:49 AM
Nov-11-2016 11:30 AM
usersmanual wrote:timmac wrote:
Wanting to upgrade my Trimmark 030-0900 lock to a keyless entry type, what brand and model do I need, anyone do this and is there a model for my Bounder.
its very involved as U need wires up door post and contacts installed and switch in the door(contacts) and a electric actuator installed etc if its like a factory deal
Nov-11-2016 11:10 AM
timmac wrote:
Wanting to upgrade my Trimmark 030-0900 lock to a keyless entry type, what brand and model do I need, anyone do this and is there a model for my Bounder.
Nov-11-2016 11:08 AM
frankdamp wrote:
Why? Keyless entry is just something else electrical/electronic to go wrong. If it uses a mechanical key as a backup, as my Kia Sedona does, you can still gain entry, but I wouldn't go "keyless" altogether.
Nov-11-2016 11:05 AM