I have borrowed the 26QB for my first RV trip. AC was running fine on the generator and then it quit...as in no fan or cooling. I shut off the AC, turned off the generator, checked the circuit breakers, waited a while and restarted...still nothing.
The problem was with the generator. Newbie mistake. We were running the AC off the generator and then plugged in a household vac and that must have tripped the circuit breaker OUTSIDE on the generator. I didn't know there was a circuit breaker there. I used a mobile RV service and it was worth the money. Now I know.
Is other stuff working on the gen?if so the gen is working and something is wrong with the ac. Maybe the thermostat or bad connection or the ac just went bad. Ron
The generator is running. I did check the circuit breakers inside. One was tripped. I reset it. Let everything rest and restarted generator, then turned on AC...nothing. I tossed in the towel and called a mobile repair service. I will post the results.