โDec-04-2016 05:35 AM
โDec-09-2016 03:17 PM
navegator wrote:
It is also a big problem in some cities in the USA that the public transportation is abismal if not down right non existent, Los Angeles or San Diego for example.
When I lived in Los Angeles I decided to take a trip from my inlaws home in the Hollywood, Los Feliz area to Marina del Rey North of the LA airport, I started at 07:00 had to go down town to change bus arrived at Marina del Rey just before 12:00 gulped a slice of pitza a few gulps of a beer and had to take the bus, same one inbound back to down town to transfer to the bus back to Los Felis, got home at 19:30.
Twelve hours on public transport, from Los Feliz to Marina del Rey, by personal car 10 to 20 minutes by freeway, today it is more like 00:45 to one hour or more on the public system it probably takes 2 days, as long as the public transport system in the USA is in bad shape Diesel will still be with us.
In San Diego it would take me one and a half hours from home to work an incredible distance of 25 miles by public transport, so yes the car was handier longer in the afternoon no coorddination between trolley and bus.
In Europe many taxis are Diesel powered, so they have more to gain from changing to a diferent system, Diesel engines produce soot another source of this soot are jet engines, I lived under the path of the Navy's jets landing at north island and we had black greasy dust outside and inside the house, it stoped inside when I built a filter system and positive pressure in the house, the out side is still gresy and sooty, GO NAVY!
Some cities are now using natural gas to power the buses and trash trucks so there is hope for cleaner air, specially for persons with breathing problems.
โDec-09-2016 03:11 PM
mowermech wrote:
I do not think such a ban will ever occur here, and I have no intention of going to any of those cities in my truck, so I'm not too concerned about it.
If diesels are ever banned in Montana cities, I will probably be long dead before it happens, so I'm not very concerned about that, either.
โDec-09-2016 03:00 PM
โDec-09-2016 08:55 AM
Adam H wrote:John & Angela wrote:
I was following a natural gas bus in Palm Springs today.
The california high speed rail project shows promise though. They are building it as we speak but don't expect to see actual high speed trains on it till 2029. 330 KMH. LA to San franciso n 2 hours 40 minutes.
Hahaha. That's some funny stuff there. More like 2129 and it will cost so Much people will fly or drive. Brown's choo choo to nowhere
โDec-09-2016 05:49 AM
John & Angela wrote:
I was following a natural gas bus in Palm Springs today.
The california high speed rail project shows promise though. They are building it as we speak but don't expect to see actual high speed trains on it till 2029. 330 KMH. LA to San franciso n 2 hours 40 minutes.
โDec-08-2016 11:49 AM
ol Bombero-JC wrote:John & Angela wrote:wilber1 wrote:
The rest of the world is going to move ahead, regardless of what we in North America do.
I agree but I think three years can change a lot of attitudes. Once the new crop of EV's is out there more people will take test drives and that is the true seller. Once you drive something without a tail pipe its pretty much over. There will be a need for gas and diesel vehicles for a while yet, trucks, pickups etc. But commuting, hard to compare an electric to the gas burners.
You haven't been paying attention to national news!..:S
Fossil fuel is now *IN*!
Oil Companies are in the driver's seat (no pun)!
The temperature of the earth is *NOT* rising!
Polar ice is *NOT* melting, etc., etc..!
"WE" (the US) doesn't give a hoot what Europe does, or is doing.
Like it or not - - get used to it..:W
โDec-08-2016 10:41 AM
John & Angela wrote:wilber1 wrote:
The rest of the world is going to move ahead, regardless of what we in North America do.
I agree but I think three years can change a lot of attitudes. Once the new crop of EV's is out there more people will take test drives and that is the true seller. Once you drive something without a tail pipe its pretty much over. There will be a need for gas and diesel vehicles for a while yet, trucks, pickups etc. But commuting, hard to compare an electric to the gas burners.
โDec-08-2016 07:59 AM
wilber1 wrote:
The rest of the world is going to move ahead, regardless of what we in North America do.
โDec-08-2016 06:58 AM
โDec-08-2016 05:09 AM
tdst51 wrote:
Thank God I never have to leave this country. Okay, maybe Canada when I go to Alaska, but that's it. Could care less about Europe and their crappy cities that don't want diesels. Pretty much comes down to this: Who cares?!?
โDec-08-2016 12:00 AM
โDec-05-2016 09:35 PM
dodge guy wrote:
This is why I bought my V-10 instead of a diesel!
โDec-05-2016 09:06 AM
John & Angela wrote:Campinfan wrote:
I may be wrong but I thought the pollution from our diesels was lower than theirs and aren't the emissions less from the new diesels than from a gasser?
I believe it is a particulate thing. Also part of the problem is how any are modified after for more power etc.
Another thing you see mentioned is noise. Diesels are still fairly noisy. Gassers less and electric dead quiet. From what I hear even busy Norwegian cities are becoming very quiet places. I know both our electric vehicles have "noise makers" so they generate at least a gentle humming sound to warm pedestrians.
โDec-04-2016 11:14 PM