DannyBear1 you were right about the Airstreams being at the RV Shop. I went there on the same day less than 15 minutes before. The sign was up, the door was locked and the lights were out. Ok, a little weird for this type of business but oh well. Left there and went to Miller's. I am not questioning Doug's character. Quite the opposite. Anyone who has been in any business for as long as he has must have something going for him. What I do question is why the salesman was so nice and this other guy was so rude. No, I don't think I deserve some kind of special treatment just because I breathe. It was my first time stopping at his business and it was a very unpleasant experience. That's all this post was meant to convey. Baton Rouge is about 440,000 people. Can you recite the closing times and history of all businesses in town? If you can, that's pretty impressive. When I am closed, if someone inquires about my services, I don't chew them out for it