jmcnab wrote:
Guys you are ruining his Christmas gift... it might be a great BBQ and work out just fine for John.
He can't return the xmas gift from his wife....
While I understand where you are coming from I disagree. I know that if my wife bought something for me that wasn't satisfactory (I have no actual opinion on the grill in question) she wouldn't bat an eyelash at me returning it for a superior product. The thought was made and after returning it, the end result will make both happy. Sometimes happy feel good emotions need to be put aside for facts and function, that's not always a comfortable trip. On that same note, I have purchased many things for my wife that I thought were perfect, only to learn I bought a do-fer. I had no qualms about her returning them and getting what she really wanted.
That being said, I have no experience with any of the grills mentioned. I do have experience with the internet and real world opinions being expressed. If all you want is a few pats on the back then your best bet is to not post on a public forum. I personally would most likely be happy with the present and would ignore the naysayers. But I'm also the kind of person to take something and modify it, or myself, to make it do what I want it to do if for no other reason than it makes my wife smile or makes me feel like MacGyver. Thin skin will only make you use more bandaids, it's not going to get you any further in life.
OP, that's a nice looking grill. I'd rock it and enjoy it. Learn how to use it despite it's perceived quirks. Some of the best steaks I've cooked and briskets I've smoked have been on the biggest pieces of junk, according to my friends. Learn to make lemonade when given lemons (not saying you got a lemon) and you will never be dissappointed.
1997 Minnie Winnie DL 29WU