We got our 2002 Alpenlite 3 years ago now. It has many features we like, especially this one: it is paid for. We have had some minor issues, but nothing more than I would expect from a 12 year old camper.
The problem is, when we got it, I discovered the T&P valve was stuck shut. I could not manually pull on the lever and open it. Knowing the issues that could be caused by it not opening, I decided to replace it. I took a pipe wrench, got the best angle I could, and attempted to unscrew it. After leaning on the wrench for quite a bit, I soon discovered I was not unscrewing it, but I was crushing it. Not much, but you could tell. After a short tirade of an assortment of colorful metaphors, I then discovered the valve could now be opened manually. I decided to apply the old adage - if it aint broke, dont fix it. And it has served faithfully for three years.
Well, it is now leaking. Not much mind you, but it is getting worse and worse. So the question is:
A. Do I go find some plumber that will take it out for me? What happens if it breaks off? I doubt the plumber will take responsibility for a 12 year old P&T valve that is already bent.
B. Should I save the money on the plumber and just replace the water heater in the first place? If so, are there better models out there I should look at? Not really interested in bigger, as its size already serves us well or looking for gas and electric, as there would be the extra work of pulling power to it and the gas model we have works fine now.
Y'alls $0.02 would be appreciated.
One beautiful wife -Trooper and Doc the furcampers
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