Aug-18-2013 06:56 AM
Feb-21-2014 06:24 PM
Feb-13-2014 02:00 PM
Feb-13-2014 06:41 AM
Feb-13-2014 05:19 AM
Feb-13-2014 05:04 AM
Feb-13-2014 03:20 AM
Feb-12-2014 07:30 PM
Feb-12-2014 02:58 PM
(Jim just reads the forum once in a while)
Feb-12-2014 02:14 PM
Feb-12-2014 02:01 PM
Feb-12-2014 01:05 PM
Aug-23-2013 03:37 PM
Aug-21-2013 05:52 AM
sher9570 wrote:
I think this thread has really gone off the rails and a lot of it is offensive.
Time to close it Doc....maybe???
Aug-21-2013 02:47 AM
Cookielady wrote:
Ricky has a soft harness but he panics sometimes when I put it on him even though it isn't pushing on his neck. Then he starts hacking and won't stop.....