Jun-26-2013 10:48 AM
Jun-27-2013 08:16 PM
tnscoutr wrote:
Another is into traveling the country for the kids competive soccer team. .
Jun-27-2013 07:39 PM
Jun-27-2013 07:33 PM
Jun-27-2013 07:20 PM
Mvander wrote:
My wife and I are the type of people who dont really discuss money (troubles or other-wise) with family. However we are in the minority in our families. Most get togethers wind up with conversations about how so and so has it so hard and can't afford this or that. We are not wealthy but we don't complain to others when things are tight.
So when the odd new (normally used)vehicle or TT graces the drive way we always get to hear my favorite 3 words. "Must Be Nice"
We have develoved an answer to that statement that always shuts em up.
"It is nice"
Jun-27-2013 01:00 PM
wrvond wrote:
...First, how sad that your self worth is determined by people you may not even know...
Second, no matter how hard you work to impress, there's always somebody with more money/stuff/free time/women/cars/etc. than you. He who dies with the most toys really doesn't win...
Jun-27-2013 12:35 PM
Jun-27-2013 10:25 AM
Jun-27-2013 10:19 AM
Jun-27-2013 10:13 AM
Jun-27-2013 08:52 AM
pappcam wrote:
The pretentious people stay in 5-star hotels with attached spas. Normal people go camping.
Jun-27-2013 08:45 AM
Reader1 wrote:
Pretentious people are pretentions whether they own a boat, rv, tent, vacation in hotels & resorts, own a million dollar home or live in very inexpensive housing. It is not what they own...it is who they are. The rest of us own rv's because we love the outdoors, hiking, biking, picnics, etc. and never think about "we have an RV and you don't." I would not spend time worrying about this, I'd just plan for the next great trip.
Jun-27-2013 08:03 AM
Jun-27-2013 05:28 AM
EldIr wrote:
I think there is a strange perception by people who don't have "recreational" toys about those of us that do. It's not just rv's. If you own a boat, a motorcycle, snowmobile, anything perceived as an expensive hobby, they look at you a bit funny. I am certainly not pretentious. I do own a TT, an atv, two snowmobiles (with enclosed trailer) and a motorcycle. Every one of these is older. Every one was carefully shopped for to get the most value for my dollar. And I bust my ass maintaining and repairing these things myself. It's the only way I can afford to have them.
I know far too many people who seem to have forgotten to have any fun in their lives. These seem to be the ones who always look funny at those of us who are trying to have some fun in the crazy life. Their loss!
Funny thing is, I know people who have spent more money on a bicycle than I did on my TT. Yet you know they would consider me more pretentious than they simply because of my use of fossil fuel to have fun.
Jun-27-2013 04:35 AM
blangen wrote:
Doesn't pretentious, by definition, have to be perceived by someone? Wouldn't that someone have to be envious before their perception of pretentious can come into play? Just as an example... I could have a very old, run down, wheels falling off motorhome that I was very proud of and wanted to show everyone how special I was to have it. Could I ever be perceived as pretentious? I'm thinking not. So... pretentious can only be perceived by the envious... and that's their problem, not mine. 🙂
Jun-27-2013 04:27 AM