Jul-16-2020 07:09 AM
Aug-02-2020 11:41 AM
Aug-02-2020 08:56 AM
Kampfirekid wrote:
I’ve had many Equalizer brand hitches over the past 25 years. Never a noise issue. Picked up a new trailer two weeks ago. On the way home I crossed the scales to find they set the hitch up perfectly. However, we pulled it home about 60 miles and it was noisier than expected. I figured it was new. Bars were losing paint on wear surfaces... good. It’ll quiet up. Then went another 60 for our inaugural run the next weekend. The hitch was groaning so loud. I had to take the hitch apart. I found they never lubed the hitch at all. I had no reason to think... I thought... to lube the hitch right away. It’s new! They’ll do it! Riiiiiiiggggghhhhht. In 120 miles, the head was destroyed. Gouges of metal pulled from the wearing surfaces. Metal pulling up like “ feathers” from the friction surfaces. If I could figure out how to attach a picture, I would. It’s nasty.
Aug-02-2020 07:00 AM
Jul-17-2020 12:27 PM
LarryJM wrote:
NO TRUE AT ALL, if it's like the Equal-i-zer system where the friction on the WD bar to frame "L" brackets are secondary to the main sway control which is from the sockets on the hitch head assembly.
Jul-17-2020 11:27 AM
Terryallan wrote:mike-uswest wrote:
I have a Husky Center-line hitch, and it makes a lot of noise when you first start out, but does get a little better after awhile. A drop of lithe oil on the rub area seems to help, but I guess that nullifies it's main action.
Yeah that pretty well kills the swaycontrol
Jul-17-2020 07:05 AM
Jul-17-2020 06:52 AM
Jul-17-2020 06:39 AM
Jul-16-2020 05:30 PM
Jul-16-2020 10:06 AM
Jul-16-2020 09:16 AM
Jul-16-2020 09:09 AM
Jul-16-2020 08:08 AM
aftermath wrote:
I have an Equalizer hitch and have used it, actually two different ones, for close to 16 years now. The "4 point" sway control comes from the two sockets the bars fit into and the two L brackets they ride on. Look at their website and they will mention lubing up the hitch. Don't use oil, use a white lithium grease. Look at the sockets and you will see friction points above and below the socket. Put a small amount of grease on these spots.
They sell jackets that fit onto the L brackets to reduce the noise. I have never used these but I have put a small amount of grease on the L brackets too. I don't think they recommend this but I have had no trouble in doing so.
It is somewhat counter intuitive to put some lubricant on surfaces that rely on friction to function. Equalizer suggests that doing this will help the noise. If they say it is OK,I am not concerned. If you think that this "negates" the operation I suggest you try this. When hooked up, remove the clamp on the L bracket and try to move the arm.
Again, this works for me. I have over 50K miles on my current trailer and have not experienced any negative affects.
Jul-16-2020 07:59 AM