Nov-29-2016 05:02 AM
Dec-05-2016 06:55 AM
Need-A-Vacation wrote:
Congrats on the new rig and the 3rd little one on the way. But I have to ask are you guys sure it is only one baby???? Lol Having twin boys have to ask.
Hope all goes well with both deliveries!!!
As mentioned, if you are mainly concerned about battery drain while in storage, install a cut off switch. The mods link in my signature has pics of how I mounted my switch to the battery box. Used a Blue Sea Mini switch.
Make sure you get a good wdh with integrated sway control. And try to size the wd bars to the loaded tw, not the "brochure" dry weight.
Good luck!!!
Nov-30-2016 06:35 PM
Nov-30-2016 06:05 PM
Nov-30-2016 03:09 AM
Nov-29-2016 05:18 PM
Nov-29-2016 04:00 PM
Nov-29-2016 03:17 PM
Nov-29-2016 11:42 AM
Slimline wrote:
Ideally we can book hydro sites to utilize the AC, it will be a welcome creature comfort this coming summer especially with a pregnant wife. Before we had trailers we would go on 4 and 5 day atv trips in tents on the good old earth in tents and sleeping bags. Times change and with the family trailers sure are nice.
Nov-29-2016 11:21 AM
Nov-29-2016 09:31 AM
Nov-29-2016 08:01 AM
Nov-29-2016 07:42 AM
Slimline wrote:
My wife and I just bought out first ever new trailer. We bought a Coachmen Catalina 323bhdsck legacy edition.
We have done a lot of camping in our first trailer, which is a beast. It is a 1986 prowler lynx 31zb if I recall correctly.
Anyways, I am just excited to go camping, or glamping as some would say, but I am ok with that too. AC for the first time out there will be awesome. This summer we got stuck trying to sleep in our old beast when it was 36 degrees celsius. It was miserable.
Nov-29-2016 07:35 AM
Nov-29-2016 07:31 AM
Slimline wrote:
we are pregnant with our third child.