Apr-28-2014 08:48 AM
Apr-29-2014 02:41 PM
Ric Flair wrote:
I bought my truck on Friday, my toy hauler on Saturday morning, my mule Saturday afternoon and was camping before dark.
The only damage done was to my credit rating
Apr-29-2014 09:39 AM
Apr-29-2014 09:39 AM
joshuajim wrote:
...and how many contractors vehicles are loaded with a ton of tools and hooked to a 5,000# trailer and sent out to start producing revenue the day after they are bought. I've been in the construction industry for over 40 years and I can count on one hand the number of differential failures any of my subs have had during the life of their trucks. I'd say about the same average as the babied ones.
I'm not suggesting that you go against the manufacturers recommendations, just stating facts.
Apr-29-2014 09:31 AM
Apr-29-2014 09:06 AM
Apr-28-2014 07:45 PM
Apr-28-2014 06:51 PM
Apr-28-2014 06:47 PM
Ric Flair wrote:
I bought my truck on Friday, my toy hauler on Saturday morning, my mule Saturday afternoon and was camping before dark.
The only damage done was to my credit rating
Rally's attended so far-21
Apr-28-2014 06:35 PM
Apr-28-2014 06:29 PM
goducks10 wrote:stro1965 wrote:
My '12 Ford manual suggested waiting 500 miles. My '14 Ram manual says no need to wait at all, and actually recommends towing heavy within the first few thousand miles to help break it in!
The 500 mile break in is in the manual. It's in the 1500/2500/3500 section. Only the diesel supplement has the no break in-tow heavy for 6000 mile part.
Apr-28-2014 01:39 PM
Apr-28-2014 01:12 PM
Apr-28-2014 11:06 AM
rhagfo wrote:ford truck guy wrote:
The question I have is how many of you tow your trailers as soon as you take delivery... As apposed to those who wait the 500 or 1000 miles to break in ??
If a new vehicle comes in sooner or later than expected and you have a trip planned , what do you do ? cancel the trip... tow with it ...??
I have always been in the break it in like your going to drive it camp and that has worked so far..
Come on 500 miles! That would be a 10 to 12 hour trip and about $150 at most worth of fuel. I would take a trip to the Oregon south coast without the 5er, mix of flat and hills Highway and city. If only a single drive spend the night a reasonable cost Hotel.
Apr-28-2014 11:01 AM