Thanks to Jumbojet and Exhaustipated Jane and I decided to travel 1200 miles to the Texas Truck Camper Rally. And we're glad we did. Its not hard to put one's finger on what made the greatest impression at the Rally - it was the astonishing people we met. We ran into a fellow who is a fully enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa. We plan to visit him this Fall and try out the smoked whitefish. We met a Union Artillery Re-enactor. We met lawyers, professors, mechanics, bar-b-que champions...and of course the remarkable PJ of Princess Craft RV.
Here are some faces that we took from the sign up at the Rally.
clicky clicky
We got up early Friday morning to find the truck camper folk sleeping
The night before we had set up our camp only to be warned by the hosts that they were expecting 60MPH winds. Needless to say, this is that last time the fly was tied to the side of the camper
We attended the sessions on "tech talk"
And enjoyed the meals served up for breakfast and dinner. There were pancakes in the morning, wine tastings in the afternoon and Texas bar-b-que contests at night.
We also enjoyed the site we had directly next to the Guadalupe River. There were ancient Cypress Trees alongside the slow moving stream.
Jane had a jolting moment as she looked at the water next to the banks of the Guadalupe. It reminds one of Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam A.H. from 1850:
"Who trusted God was love indeed
And love Creation's final law
Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw
With ravine, shriek'd against his creed"
It is this mixture of friendship with fellow Tc'ers and the profound landscapes that we all pursue that Jane and I treasure. Hope you all make it to the Rally next year.