Nov-04-2013 05:09 AM
Nov-25-2013 05:29 PM
smlranger wrote:famtech wrote:
Well, here is what was the cause of all of this. The engine ECU failed. The Electronic Control Unit and the repair cost about $3300 parts/labor to get the rig going again. Dang computers.
Jim L.
Well, for that kind of money, I hope they gave you a big kiss ;).
If your primary issue was a failed ECU/VDU, that price seems high. I had the same coach for 2 years and had the cold solder joints referenced in this thread. Re-soldered them and it ran like a top for 2 years. The VDU failed again so I got a new one from Freightliner in Gaffney, SC. New ECU/VDU module was $458. Takes about 15 minutes to R&R the gizmo on that coach.
Now maybe you had other things going on or it took the shop mucho labor hours to find the problem. Still, $3K sounds steep,
Nov-25-2013 04:34 PM
famtech wrote:
Well, here is what was the cause of all of this. The engine ECU failed. The Electronic Control Unit and the repair cost about $3300 parts/labor to get the rig going again. Dang computers.
Jim L.
Nov-25-2013 02:39 PM
Nov-06-2013 05:16 AM
Nov-05-2013 05:42 PM
Bill S. wrote:
A fairly well-documented problem with this chassis, is the cold solder joints on the circuit board of the engine's ECU. If you use the search function on the forum, you should turn up a number of threads about it. Some owners who are familiar with circuid boards and small-component soldering, had reraired their ECU. Others have purchased a new one, to solve the problem. Not sure if this is what's going on here, but worth a check.
Nov-05-2013 02:38 PM
Nov-05-2013 08:24 AM
Nov-04-2013 02:49 PM
Nov-04-2013 01:43 PM
Nov-04-2013 01:01 PM
Nov-04-2013 12:41 PM
Nov-04-2013 06:19 AM
Nov-04-2013 06:17 AM
fcooper wrote:
Even with the chassis battery switch off, there are small loads on the battery from several computers on your coach. The most likely problem is that your batteries are low. Check the battery voltage with a meter at the batteries.
I'd try jumping with jumper cables, and allow some time for the chassis batteries to receive a charge before trying to crank.
Since you mention "XC Chassis", I am assuming that your coach is on a Freightliner chassis. You can get free help and possibly a wiring diagram from the Freightliner help desk (1 800 FTL HELP). Have the last 6 digits of your vin number available before you call.
Nov-04-2013 05:18 AM