Apr-23-2013 07:12 AM
May-06-2013 08:25 PM
May-06-2013 07:29 PM
May-06-2013 04:36 PM
May-06-2013 08:51 AM
2021 Nexus Viper 27V. Class B+
2019 Ford Ranger 4x4
Apr-28-2013 08:37 PM
Apr-28-2013 06:44 PM
Apr-28-2013 06:13 PM
Apr-27-2013 09:31 AM
LennyH wrote:
Let me know what you think about traveling with a full tank of gas. Does it course you Miles per gal. to go down or is the unit designed and the MPG that is listed for that unit allow for a full tank of gas.
What do you think?
Apr-27-2013 08:24 AM
TravelingLight2 wrote:
Some intank fuel pumps depend on the gasoline in the tank to cool the pump. If you travel with tank below half full the pump runs too hot and will eventually fail.
Apr-27-2013 08:12 AM
Peralko wrote:
Gas motorhomes have an 80-gallon fuel tank. Since you would be a fool to have less than 1/4 tank, that means the difference between a full tank and a low tank is 60 gallons. If I remember right, gas is about 6 pounds per gallon, so we are talking about 360 pounds. If you have a 20,000 pound motorhome,a full tank would be about 1.5% of total weight. So you could get 1.5% better mileage, right? Oh wait, like Wolfe10 correctly said, mileage difference due to weight is really only a factor when you go uphill, so you would have to multiply that 1.5% by the percentage you go uphill. If worst case you go uphill 50% of the time (doubtful), you would have a 0.75% difference in mileage--which of course would decrease as you use the gas in the tank. I think your time would be better spent making sure your tire inflation is correct, and going easy on the throttle!
Apr-27-2013 07:59 AM
Apr-27-2013 07:08 AM
Apr-27-2013 06:20 AM
Apr-27-2013 05:46 AM