Jul-15-2014 10:19 AM
Jul-17-2014 09:05 PM
Jul-17-2014 08:43 PM
rgatijnet1 wrote:
No shock will stop the body roll. That is not what they are designed to do. A good shock will slow down the roll and minimize the continuous rocking that the coach would have without the dampening effect of the shocks.
To stop the roll, your springs would have to be so stiff that your ride would suffer in all other conditions.
The shock is NOT a spring. It is a dampening fixture to slow down spring movement, but not restrict it.
Jul-17-2014 07:52 PM
Jul-17-2014 06:10 PM
Jul-16-2014 04:56 PM
smlranger wrote:
I installed the Super Steer Motion Control valves on my Freightliner XC chassis when I had my previous motorhome. The difference in handling was significant, much less roll, less of the wobble when going over driveways. Best thing I put on that chassis to improve handling.
Jul-16-2014 04:45 PM
Jul-16-2014 03:02 PM
Jul-16-2014 02:57 PM
rgatijnet1 wrote:X-2, Shocks are very good at stopping porpoising!
No shock will stop the body roll. That is not what they are designed to do. A good shock will slow down the roll and minimize the continuous rocking that the coach would have without the dampening effect of the shocks.
To stop the roll, your springs would have to be so stiff that your ride would suffer in all other conditions.
The shock is NOT a spring. It is a dampening fixture to slow down spring movement, but not restrict it.
Jul-16-2014 02:46 PM
Jul-16-2014 11:53 AM
Jul-16-2014 09:28 AM
Jul-15-2014 08:14 PM
Jul-15-2014 07:11 PM
Jul-15-2014 06:51 PM