Apr-26-2021 04:06 PM
Apr-29-2021 09:28 AM
Apr-28-2021 03:09 PM
Apr-28-2021 11:19 AM
specta wrote:
It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.
John Ruskin 1819-1900
Apr-28-2021 11:09 AM
Apr-28-2021 07:16 AM
Apr-28-2021 07:01 AM
Grit dog wrote:
Personal opinion but I try to purchase reliability. And I’d spend $600 for a used Honda before $500 on an off brand.
Although used ones might be less plentiful this year again...
I’ve beat the tar out of probably hundreds of Honda generators, commercially. In my experience they last 1000s of hours in less than ideal conditions. And retain their value.
Something to consider.
That, and my one experience with the Costco Yamaha knockoff 2k, one of my employees bought one to run his camper and it wouldn’t even come close to running his AC, but an old Honda and a newer Yamaha 2k would.
He returned it twice so tried 3 separate units and none would put out the power that the real name brand ones do. The other brands may be better though?
Apr-28-2021 04:31 AM
Apr-28-2021 04:08 AM
mkirsch wrote:valhalla360 wrote:
If you walk funny because your wallet is so thick with cash, Hondas are a great option.
But gone are the days of Red vs Blue (Honda vs Yamaha ) for quiet inverter generators.
There is also the "buy once cry once" view.
This is your leisure time we're talking about. If you enjoy tinkering with orphan off-brand generators while you're nowhere near help, and enjoy improvising when your generator lets you down, then an off brand might be for you.
God forbid you're full-timing or spending several weeks or months where you are depending on your generator for power.
It may well be worth saving up to buy the "gold standard" of portable generators if only for peace of mind.
Apr-27-2021 09:46 PM
Apr-27-2021 05:35 PM
Apr-27-2021 12:17 PM
Apr-27-2021 09:44 AM
valhalla360 wrote:
If you walk funny because your wallet is so thick with cash, Hondas are a great option.
But gone are the days of Red vs Blue (Honda vs Yamaha ) for quiet inverter generators.
Apr-27-2021 06:49 AM
Apr-27-2021 05:28 AM
Crazy Ray wrote:
HONDA 2000
Apr-27-2021 03:51 AM
2112 wrote:
Call Westinghouse and Harbor Freight to see if you can get parts specific to that model or if they have an authorized service center near you. Then call Champion. You'll want the Champion.