Oct-25-2019 09:27 AM
Oct-31-2019 03:00 PM
jaycocreek wrote:You should ell your friend in the video to lift the plow when they back up. 😄burningman wrote:
I guess if you can’t handle a four wheel drive because you’ll think you’re invincible and you’ll crash it, you shouldn’t buy one.
LOL..I have owned plenty 4X4's with and without truck campers on them..I own a small one right now and have two in the yard..
Anyway..Here is a DRW 2WD plowing snow with weight in the back as a small TC would be..
2WD DRW plowing snow
Oct-31-2019 12:58 PM
Oct-31-2019 10:57 AM
Oct-31-2019 10:42 AM
Oct-31-2019 10:01 AM
burningman wrote:
I guess if you can’t handle a four wheel drive because you’ll think you’re invincible and you’ll crash it, you shouldn’t buy one.
Oct-31-2019 09:45 AM
Oct-31-2019 09:20 AM
Oct-31-2019 09:13 AM
burningman wrote:
The usually-exaggerated story about seeing 4WDs crashed in the ditch all the time is a poor driver issue, not a disadvantage to having 4WD. And it’s not even true in my experience, which includes having been a tow truck driver. I see a lot more 2WDs struggling in snow every winter.
What is the advantage of not being able to drive the front wheels when you want to, besides being a little cheaper to buy the truck?
Oct-31-2019 09:02 AM
Oct-31-2019 08:46 AM
Oct-31-2019 08:32 AM
Bedlam wrote:
Most of my trips up to the mountains have been in 2wd, but many more back down have been in 4wd due to low traction. Where I use 4wd the most is when parking at the ski slope lots.
Oct-31-2019 08:02 AM
JRscooby wrote:KKELLER14K wrote:
One of my rigs...in the early days on the Oregon coast. Would you trust a 2x2 or a 4x4 in this place?
Can anybody tell me what vehicle is 2X2?
Oct-31-2019 07:56 AM
burningman wrote:
The best argument for 4WD I’ve witnessed was driving over the pass in the snow one day.
A guy in a 2WD pickup suddenly spun out and hit the wall. It was because we were all on the throttle to climb uphill, but he broke traction and spun. Everyone else around was in 4WD and didn’t.
Oct-31-2019 07:47 AM
I was about 2 hours from home late on a Friday eve. Stopped to eat, come out of restaurant just start freezing rain/snow mix. I was tired, decided to sleep instead of fighting slick roads. After breakfast, strolled down the interstate. About 50 vehicles in ditches and median. About 75% where tractor trailers. Not one car, the others where 4X4 pickups and SUVs. The only 2 wheel drives I saw was the single axle tractors pulling wiggle wagons. Way to often I have heard "I got 4 wheel drive, I can go!" Everybody has 4 wheel brakes, if I can't stop, I don't want to go.
Oct-31-2019 06:55 AM
burningman wrote:
4x4 isn’t even a correct term. That name came from WWII vehicles with a 4’x4’ cargo space.
They happened to be four wheel drive but that’s not what “4x4” means.
The best argument for 4WD I’ve witnessed was driving over the pass in the snow one day.
A guy in a 2WD pickup suddenly spun out and hit the wall. It was because we were all on the throttle to climb uphill, but he broke traction and spun. Everyone else around was in 4WD and didn’t.
While it’s a side benefit, the low-range gears in a 4WD transfer case are a big advantage in lots of situations.