Sep-29-2019 07:15 PM
Sep-30-2019 01:54 PM
Old-Biscuit wrote:
I would unload anything of value that you can't easily replace....good insurance coverage helps also.
Majority of thieving is done in storage and repair places.
Easy targets that are NOT readily exposed.
99 cent tool bin special ----large flat blade screw driver and even those beefed up compartment doors will yield.
Or even a utility knife and hammer......score an 'X' across door then whack it with the hammer.Door skin will collapse.
Takes about 30 seconds.
Valuables..leave them at home.
Sep-30-2019 11:36 AM
Sep-30-2019 10:31 AM
Sep-30-2019 10:19 AM
midnightsadie wrote:
there is no safe storage any where. if a crook wants in he,ll get in.
Sep-30-2019 08:11 AM
Sep-30-2019 06:13 AM
Sep-30-2019 05:45 AM
Grit dog wrote:
But whether they get in or not, at least they'll beat the sht out of your camper trying.
Sep-30-2019 05:22 AM
Sep-30-2019 05:07 AM
Sep-30-2019 04:46 AM
Sep-30-2019 04:37 AM
Sep-29-2019 11:33 PM
Sep-29-2019 10:17 PM
Sep-29-2019 10:01 PM
Sep-29-2019 09:52 PM