Jan-29-2015 10:02 AM
Feb-01-2015 04:12 AM
Jan-30-2015 04:33 PM
Jan-30-2015 03:54 PM
Jan-30-2015 12:40 PM
Rexsname wrote:
Well it seems as tho everyone agrees that the truck policy covers the camper when it is on the truck and the home policy covers the camper when it is off of the truck AT HOME. What about when the camper is off of the camper at an RV park or at a campground?
Jan-30-2015 10:58 AM
Jan-30-2015 10:29 AM
Jan-30-2015 10:06 AM
Jan-30-2015 09:35 AM
Jan-30-2015 08:45 AM
fuelhauler wrote:
My tc ins. is $125.00 a year covered on & off the truck through Progressive.
Jan-30-2015 08:17 AM
Jan-30-2015 07:46 AM
martyn8677 wrote:
Sorry if this is a common topic, but I did a search and did not find anything.
I'm curious to hear about your insurance coverage on your truck camper. My previous auto insurance company, The Traveler's said I just needed a rider on my truck as part of my auto policy to cover my camper. If the camper was being carried on my truck it was covered, and parked at home, covered under my homeowner's policy. So, my total insurance was very inexpensive.
Then I switched to Allstate and they told me the above was not true and that it needed to be added to my auto policy individually, not just as a rider on my truck. I have a 2013 Lance 1050S and this is costing me about $450 per year here in the state of Texas.
Wondering why I got different stories from different agents/companies and how that compares with some of you?
Jan-29-2015 07:12 PM
Jan-29-2015 06:36 PM
Jan-29-2015 05:18 PM
Jan-29-2015 04:51 PM