Aug-30-2020 05:54 PM
Sep-07-2020 07:42 AM
Sep-06-2020 10:46 PM
Aug-31-2020 10:37 PM
blofgren wrote:coolmom42 wrote:BB_TX wrote:
15’ Rhino with a 15’ extension would work fine for that. That much downhill would easily allow water and solids to flow out.
That's what I was hoping people would tell me.
I have one 15' section of Rhino that the previous owner left in the RV. I will have to measure the distance exactly, but obviously will need at least one more. If the ground is dry I can drive closer, but if we've had lots of rain I will have to stay on the concrete, which is farther away.
This is what I carry in my fiver and have used them many times together. I do use a slinky hose support to keep a nice even slope on them but they work just fine.
Aug-31-2020 05:57 PM
coolmom42 wrote:BB_TX wrote:
15’ Rhino with a 15’ extension would work fine for that. That much downhill would easily allow water and solids to flow out.
That's what I was hoping people would tell me.
I have one 15' section of Rhino that the previous owner left in the RV. I will have to measure the distance exactly, but obviously will need at least one more. If the ground is dry I can drive closer, but if we've had lots of rain I will have to stay on the concrete, which is farther away.
Aug-31-2020 04:00 PM
TomG2 wrote:
Thousands of miles of sewer are installed every year with approximately one percent slope (About 1/8" per foot). Thirty feet means .30 foot or about 4 inches. One does not want the water to outrun the solids and leave them behind. Flushing with large volumes of water improves this situation.
Aug-31-2020 02:59 PM
Aug-31-2020 11:22 AM
Aug-31-2020 10:50 AM
Aug-31-2020 10:13 AM
Aug-31-2020 10:12 AM
SAR Tracker wrote:
The Plumbers Lament:
It flows downhill, and payday is on Friday!
Aug-31-2020 09:20 AM
Aug-31-2020 08:00 AM
cavie wrote:
Macerator pump stores much easier.
Aug-31-2020 07:57 AM
Aug-31-2020 07:27 AM