Question: Do you have a bicycle (or want one?)?
I have a Draw Tite bicycle carrier,, I will try to find one like it so you can see what it looks like
I took 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 PVC pipe and T's and Elbows and made a retangle
ExampleLook at the top part where the bicycles attach, Find somethinglike that
Lay two PVC in the first and last holders and lock down Put "T" fittings on the end
Then join the two T's so it forms a rectangle
now extend the sides frowared and back and put elbows on them. Two more cross members
String lines side to side (drill the side pieces)
WOrks very well.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times