I started having trouble with the water heater last year, it would ignite some times and some times it would turn on and off with warm water.
I figured on researching prices for the various parts, and came up with $325 dollars for all the parts that I would eventually replace, Murphy's law, I would fix it at the last part, so I looked up a new unit $350 dollars I ordered the new unit, it even comes with the new door it took me longer to cut a bit around the opening than to take the old one out and install since they installed the unit before the wall was added, so the hole was from 1/4 inch to 1/8 smaller so out came the saber saw.
I no longer have the name of place where I got it, I found it on the internet, my old computer got breached and I lost all data that was in words, none of my Autocad drawings were lost.
Some times it is better to replace the whole unit, specially if it is an older one.