Oct-18-2018 06:42 PM
Oct-19-2018 10:31 AM
Oct-19-2018 10:26 AM
BradW wrote:aguablanco wrote:DownTheAvenue wrote:
I would think that a little research on your part would find answers to your question. Why don't you visit each manufacturer of the product with a diesel engine you have interest in (I assume it is a pick up truck)? I am quite sure the manufacturer's website touts their warranty!
He is doing research. If you didn't want to help why reply?
How dare someone ask a question on an Internet forum? I am shocked!
Oct-19-2018 10:23 AM
aguablanco wrote:DownTheAvenue wrote:
I would think that a little research on your part would find answers to your question. Why don't you visit each manufacturer of the product with a diesel engine you have interest in (I assume it is a pick up truck)? I am quite sure the manufacturer's website touts their warranty!
He is doing research. If you didn't want to help why reply?
Oct-19-2018 09:56 AM
jmtandem wrote:Are the newer diesels warranted to 100K or 5 years whichever comes first? Or is it 100K with no time limit? I think it would take me longer than 5 years to get to 100K.
When you do your research be careful to also check the warranty on the exhaust system. It can be different, read less, then the engine. For example five years or 50,000 miles on the exhaust even if the engine warranty is five years or 100,000 miles. And the exhaust system is where you will likely have your issues especially if you drive the truck as a 'grocery getter' most of the time.
Oct-19-2018 07:33 AM
Are the newer diesels warranted to 100K or 5 years whichever comes first? Or is it 100K with no time limit? I think it would take me longer than 5 years to get to 100K.
Oct-19-2018 07:23 AM
Oct-19-2018 04:23 AM
Americamper wrote:
Are the newer diesels warranted to 100K or 5 years whichever comes first? Or is it 100K with no time limit? I think it would take me longer than 5 years to get to 100K.
Oct-19-2018 04:21 AM
DownTheAvenue wrote:
I would think that a little research on your part would find answers to your question. Why don't you visit each manufacturer of the product with a diesel engine you have interest in (I assume it is a pick up truck)? I am quite sure the manufacturer's website touts their warranty!
Oct-19-2018 03:48 AM
Reality Check wrote:DownTheAvenue wrote:
I would think that a little research on your part would find answers to your question. Why don't you visit each manufacturer of the product with a diesel engine you have interest in (I assume it is a pick up truck)? I am quite sure the manufacturer's website touts their warranty!
lol, he is researching. He's researching who has done the research and what their findings are. Down to the nitty gritty and easy conclusion. Smart youngster for sure...
Oct-18-2018 10:47 PM
Oct-18-2018 10:28 PM
Oct-18-2018 09:34 PM
DownTheAvenue wrote:
I would think that a little research on your part would find answers to your question. Why don't you visit each manufacturer of the product with a diesel engine you have interest in (I assume it is a pick up truck)? I am quite sure the manufacturer's website touts their warranty!
Oct-18-2018 08:19 PM
Kayteg1 wrote:
If you are bored Ford warranty takes 41 pages.
Main story is on page 8
Powerstroke is 5/100,000
Oct-18-2018 07:54 PM
DownTheAvenue wrote:
I would think that a little research on your part would find answers to your question. Why don't you visit each manufacturer of the product with a diesel engine you have interest in (I assume it is a pick up truck)? I am quite sure the manufacturer's website touts their warranty!