Sep-30-2015 10:33 PM
Oct-02-2015 08:39 AM
Oct-01-2015 04:35 PM
Oct-01-2015 01:15 PM
Oct-01-2015 01:12 PM
Oct-01-2015 01:09 PM
Boatycall wrote:mkirsch wrote:
That scale set is a toy for weekend warrior race car drivers. Now go price a real, certified, calibrated, industrial platform scale that will hold up to use in a production environment. Much more expensive.
And.... According to the very first line on the webpage, it wouldn't come close to being able to handle just my TC---
"Comes with 12" x 12" x 2¾" 1100 lb. capacity powder coated pads pads for lighter weight cars."
My TC alone is WAAYYYYYY over 4,400lbs....
Oct-01-2015 01:06 PM
mkirsch wrote:
That scale set is a toy for weekend warrior race car drivers. Now go price a real, certified, calibrated, industrial platform scale that will hold up to use in a production environment. Much more expensive.
Cost is more of a factor than you give it credit for. Having plausible deniability is a happy bonus for the liability attorneys.
We just haven't had someone with deep enough pockets take the industry on, and we probably never will. The rare person that is hurt by these practices blames themselves, doesn't live to tell about it, or doesn't have the resources to go after the industry in a way that will cause them to change how they do business.
Oct-01-2015 12:13 PM
2BLAZERS wrote:
Would be real education to weigh someones pickup empty, add the tie downs and Superhitch, etc...
Oct-01-2015 10:47 AM
Oct-01-2015 10:12 AM
Oct-01-2015 09:46 AM
Kayteg1 wrote:
My 15,000lb flatbed was check by Highway Patrol with those pad scales.
But I can only agree about conclusion why TC manufacturers don't want to know how much those things weight leaving the factory.
When I was buying my Fleetwood, I check the net to find rated weight 3800lb,.
The first stop at scales with fully winterized camper did show 4200lb.
Oct-01-2015 09:25 AM
Oct-01-2015 08:26 AM
Oct-01-2015 08:02 AM
mkirsch wrote:
That scale set is a toy for weekend warrior race car drivers. Now go price a real, certified, calibrated, industrial platform scale that will hold up to use in a production environment. Much more expensive.
Oct-01-2015 07:41 AM