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Best camping memories

On the flip side of the post about camping altercations, what are some of your most fond memories from camping?

There are too many to count really, but here are a few:
My oldest son learned how to climb trees at a local campground. Spent nearly the entire weekend in that tree. It has since been named, "the climbing tree."
My youngest son climbing up a hill of a civil war fort in Kentucky acting like he was the cavalry. Hugest grin on his face. He wants to join the Marines.
My daughter at 18 months old on her first camping trip. She was fully clothed and rolling around in the shallow water at Tawas Point.

Prior to kids, we were tent campers and spent our time in rather rowdy "party" camping areas. I will never forget sitting outside in the morning and having a twenty something girl walk past our site and started talking to a friend she met on the way. We overheard her say to her friend, "Why did you let me get so drunk last night? I woke up naked in some guy's tent!" Yep, entertaining for sure. :B
2017 Coachmen Catalina 323 BHDSCK
2018 Ford F150 FX4
3 growing kids and 1 big dog

watching my young son catch his first trout, in the north fork of the Kern river, barely a stream, you could wade across in 2 minutes

lava tube caving with my son and daughter in Lava Beds National Monutment

climbing mount lassen (plug dome volcano) in July and watch the kids play in the snow pack at 8200 ft

taking the horse ride through Bryce Canyon early on a july morning

all of these were different trips
I can explain it to you.
But I Can Not understand it for you !


Connected using T-Mobile Home internet and Visible Phone service
1997 F53 Bounder 36s

That's enough for now. Maybe some more some other day
1993 Cobra Sunrise, 20 foot Travel Trailer.

Acting like kids at the NASCAR go-kart track in Myrtle Beach.
Going on a dolphin watch near the Outer Banks.
Watching my son grow up with an incredible love and appreciation of the outdoors.
Back in my tenting days...
Playing hours of cribbage in Fundy National Park because of the rain.
Nearly knocking down our whole campsite because of a spider.
Having a bear scratch it's back on our tent in Shenandoah National Park and have him bounce his nose off my head because I was dumb enough to use strawberry scented shampoo!

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be

Douglas Adams

[purple]RV-less for now but our spirits are still on the open road. [/purple]

Here is one from 2012

Well, I went camping in March. Here in MN that's really something. It was warm all weekend with highs in the upper 70's.
On Friday, after work, I towed my camper down the Robertson Park and set up. I got there about 6. I had stopped in Lakefield on the way and picked up some beer and a few groceries because I didn't feel like going down to Iowa for supplies that night. I had the whole front half of the park to myself. I walked to the back of the park and there was one family tent camping back there. So, it was me and them at the park alone on a warm night,,, in March. I had taken my dog Stausson along with me and I took him for a short walk. He is better then when he was a real young pup but, he is still too hyper and hard to handle but, since I was at the park alone I'm glad I took him.
I started the water heater on my camper. This is the part I have always been most worried about on my new-used camper. It heated the water up just fine. Then it shut off and quit working all together. The pilot would not even re light. It would light but, not in the right way and it would not put out enough flame to keep it's self going. I figured this was par for the course and I started doing numbers in my head to decide what it would cost to install a new one. Then I remembered something my brother taught me. Those pilot lights are so low pressure that the smallest amount of dust will plug them up. So, I did like we do on the farm when we have a pilot light problem and I banged on it with a pair of pliers. I tried lighting it again and it lit right up and the pilot light looked good. It stayed lit and worked all weekend just as it is suppose to. No more problems with it.
After dark the wind died down and I started a small fire with some wood I had brought with me. I know most people are into those big bon-fires but, when I'm camping by myself and it's warm out a small fire will do me just fine. I had a few beers and went to bed.
Saturday morning I woke up. Ate some breakfast. Got the dog out of the truck and put him on the chain. Fed-Watered him and went for a walk. About half way through my walk I got a call from a friend of mine in Spirit Lake Iowa named Justin. I've know him since he was a teen. He must be about 35 now. He wanted to go to a exotic animal sale in Jackson but, did not have a license. (He drank too much last fall and tried to see if his pickup could fly. It flies OK but, the landing sucks. He's dammed lucky to be alive and look as good as he does, But, he busted his ankle so bad he has trouble walking and he almost lost a eye. and of course he doesn't have a drivers license. He hasn't touched a drop of alcohol since. His dad has been sober for 20 years so this kid might just make it)
So we go this this sale at the Jackson Stock Yards. I been in stock yards at Slayton and I was even in the one at Worthington before they tore it down and I got to say this one in Jackson was not that nice when it was built. And it was built a 100 years ago and, it has had lean to's added to it bunches of times since then. We get a wrist band and try to find a place to set down. It was impossible. It was packed. There was one small entrance to a grand stand with 100's of people in it. The people in the top row had to duck there head when they stood up to keep from hitting it on the ceiling. The whole thing is a big disaster waiting to happen. I was scared just being in the building. After half hour we found a place to set and I was happy to see it was right near the exit. It was on the top row but if things had gone bad I could have jumped over the little 4 foot fence and got the hell out of there.
The auction itself was very interesting. They had a awful lot of weird animals. This must be the only action of this type in the whole area. There were birds of every different type, from peacocks to chickens with hairy feet. Rabbits, goats, horses, they even had a boa constrictor. (Though the auctioneer said lets sell that dammed thing and get it out of here lol) After Justin bought some mallard ducks to add to his bird collection we went into the back room and checked out what was coming next. There was a lot of stuff there and they were selling it as fast as they could. They needed too. The auction stated at 9 AM and I bet they were still selling things at 5 PM. We didn't stay that late After dropping off Justin I headed back to the park. When I pulled in I bumped into Kay and Ron. The said they were out fishing. Said you can still catch crappies and perch at this time of year. They told me Beanie and Gary had brought out there camper. Kay also saw that my camper was unplugged. She decided to plug it in for me. I had left it unplugged because these old style power converter in these old campers over charge your battery and cook it to death after about 3 years. Since my fridge automatically switches to gas and I didn't need to run the air conditioner I had unplugged it when I left. This was too hard to explain so I just told her I had left it unplugged because I did not trust the camper yet. When I talked to Beanie later she said "yup we figured you were just so paranoid that you unplugged it for safety." Oh well, Whatever. Works for me. No harm, no foul.
So, when I drove to where Beanie and Gary were camping they were done fishing and getting ready for bed. They work nights and have weird sleeping hours. They said they would wake back up at 4:30 to do some more fishing. (It was about 2:30 when they said this) Then I took a nap myself. I slept for a entire hour. It's unusual for me to do that in the middle of the day. Sometimes I take a 10 minute nap but usually not this long.
After I woke up I went to Spirit Lake to pick up some supplies. Earlier that morning when I told Justin I was out camping he said I was crazy. On the way back to my camper when I went past the north shore of Spirit Lake the lake I saw someone out on the lake Wake Boarding. There was still ice washed up on shore for heavens sake. Now That's Crazy.
After I got back Beanie and Gary were still not awake so I took a mile walk. Then they were still not awake so I took another half mile walk. My legs were getting tired and it was about 7 PM by this time so I went back to the camper and was thinking about opening a beer. I saw a car pull up and it turned out to be Gary's parents. Gary and Beanie were suppose to go out to dinner with them but, had overslept. I talked to the parents for about a half hour. (Never did learn there names) Then they left.
I then opened a beer and had another small fire. About the time I was ready for bed. I saw the light come on in Beanie and Gary's camper. I went over to talk to them for a half hour or so and told them I had met there parents. But, I was tired, and ready for bed so I headed back to my camper and hit the hay.
Sunday morning I woke up took the dog for a short walk again Took a shower in my new camper shower. (It works great) and then I started to pack up early and head back home. It was going to get windy after noon and I do not have brakes or good tires on my camper yet. Besides this was it's first test and I did not know how it would handle (it handles great. I love these short, light, campers. They pull so easy and straight. After getting home I still averaged 14 MPG. Not to bad considering the wind. pulling the camper, and all the short trips I did.)
I made it back home in one piece and backed the camper in the shed.
There are a few more details but, I will tell you all some other day.

Have a nice Day
1993 Cobra Sunrise, 20 foot Travel Trailer.

Boat Launch Story from 2010

I went camping at Loon Lake's Robertson park this Saturday with my friends Marcus, Shawn and Lisa. We were setting at the campground where you can see the boat launch. All of a sudden Shawn says, "What's this guy doing?". We look at the boat launch and see a bigger SUV backing down the ramp by itself and going out into the water. It gets all the way in to the lake to the point where you could not see the wheels and the water was half way up the doors before it stops. I see the driver suddenly stand up out of the lake near the dock and I breath a sigh of relief because he did not run himself over. Marcus says, "Well, he is going to need a tow out of there" so we start hunting up chains while Marcus rides his bike down there to check on him. Before Marcus get there the man gets in the truck Which Is Still Running!! and drives it out of the lake. I though for sure the engine would have died when it was that deep in the water. When Marcus gets there he opens up the doors and the water just floods out of the truck. lol. Marcus had to jump back to keep his feet from getting wet. lol Shawn had rode a bike down there by this time too and they helped the man load his boat back up on the trailer. After Marcus got back to where we were he told us that the man , after launching his boat, was afraid it was going to drift away so he jumped out of the truck forgetting to put the truck in park. He almost, but not quite, ran himself over as the truck backed itself into the lake. The truck did hit him some and tore a great big chunk of skin off of his elbow. They offered him a ride to the hospital but, he declined . I hope he is OK. But, it was kinda funny to watch. I'm sorry he got hurt but, it's not every day you see someone back there truck and boat trailer all the way out into the lake like that. lol
1993 Cobra Sunrise, 20 foot Travel Trailer.

Here is another e-mail from 2008 that I sent to my friend.

I went to the demo derby with the Schroder kids on Saturday night and stayed at the casino in my camper.They have a nice shower a the casino campground but, there was a family using the shelter near it. So, I took a shower in my little camper. They have a full water hook up there and a dump station drain you can dump into while your parked at each spot. If you use the newer section of the park they also have cable TV hook up and wireless internt acess. I figured I didn't need the cabel TV and internet and I like the old park better so I stayed in it and saved myslef 5 bucks. I get 5 channles on TV using my little antenne anyway. I did a lttle gambling but, I'm not a big gambler so I gor to bed about midnight.

It rained Sunday morning. I was sleeping during the first storm and didn't care to much. When the second storm started to rumble I decided to get moving. I always get a kick out of the fact that I have this little camper in the park setting next to these big behemoth campers that cost more then your house. When it comes time to leave I can pack up and get going faster than any one else there. I then when to Wall mart to get some things and went to McDonalds for dinner. The McDonalds in Redwood Falls has a lot next to it for RV and truck parking. I pulled in there had my dinner in the camper and took a little nap until the rain quit. Then I went to Ramsey park.

Redwood falls has the largest city park of any city in MN. It's on the river and I forget how many acres it has, a few hundred or so. I went through the zoo. There were Antelope, bison, ducks and other things. There were several different types of chickens there. There was one type that had a smaller rooster. He was crowing but, it was awful. His crowing was so high pitched it was like fingernails on a chalk board. Never get one of those. There were some peacocks and some ugly bird that I don't know the name of there too. I took a bunch of pictures and will send them to you if you want.

I went hiking across the suspension bridge that sways . Also I hiked to many of the lookouts perched high over the valley . I must have hiked about 5 miles. (I got lost and couldn't find my way back to my pickup. lol ) Saw some hawks teaching there young one how to eat. A doe and two fawns walked out just a few feet in front of me and never knew I was there. I was going to catch one but, thought better of it. There used to be a hiking trail there with exercise equipment along it. Most of that has fallen into disrepair. ( I hate it when people let that happen) The pull up bars are still there. I did 7 pull ups. (Of course I jumped from the ground first to get moving and took a break between each one. But, I won't tell if you don't.)

Redwood Falls is only about 35 miles north of me.
here is a link to the park . Click on the words to the left for more information.

Have a nice day, Charlie
1993 Cobra Sunrise, 20 foot Travel Trailer.

I have too many to list too. Here is one I sent by e-mail to a friend while he was away. I have it saved in my documents file. I'll copy and paste it here. Sorry for all the little arrows I don't know where they came from. This was in 2008

> Last weekend I went by myself to Cedar Hanson park near Trimont, MN .
> Nice park. There are really two parks there together. Cedar is older
> has more mature trees but, has no electricity. Hanson has electrical
> hook up but, is not among the mature trees. Hanson is where you
> take the bigger nicer campers and cedar is for us poor folk.
> I pulled in there Friday night around 7 PM. I found a nice spot
> and set up. Cedar park has some nice, almost , private beaches on
> it but, there down low near the lake and you need a tent to set up
> down there. There was nobody at them so I set up in the best camping
> spot near the one of them. I looked around and found out that I had
> the whole east part of the cedar park to myself. There were some
> teenagers at the tent camping spot near the second beach. But, that was a
> long way from me. After set up I looked at the lake. Yes, it was
> green but, not to scummy. So, I went to the bait shop and got some
> worms
> After getting back to the lake I grabbed my swimming trunks, a
> fishing pole, a couple of beers, and went down to the little beach.
> After checking that no one was around I changed into my trunks, (
> Right at the beach in a public park. What a crazy guy I am) Then
> walked out into the lake a ways and threw out a line. Then I pulled
> out some more line and sat down at the picnic table and had a beer.
> Wasn't to long and I thought I saw the bobber moving. Sure enough,
> something was pushing at it. But, it just wouldn't bite! After some
> teasing I finally was able to pull in a small cat fish. I have to
> say, it was fun. It didn't just run with the worm. It took some work
> to get it to bite and pull t to shore. After I got it in to shore I
> found the hook was just barely in it's mouth and was easily removed
> so I could release the fish back to the lake. Another worm and I
> had a bull head. Then a second bull head. Then another small
> catfish. I threw the bull heads back but, by the time I got the
> hook out of them I don't think they will survive. The swallow the
> whole thing. The catfish just nibble. I like fishing for them
> better. It was getting dark so I packed it in and went back to my
> camper.
> I started a fire at the camper. ( thank god for charcoal lighter
> fluid.) I had brought some sticks of wood from a construction
> building at the farm and I started with them. But, because I was
> there all alone I went to the other fire pits and took the left over
> wood that they had not burned. (God, I'm a cheap skate ain't I ? )
> I wrapped a couple of potatoes in tin foil , put them in the coals
> and set down,. I had sweat pants along but, they were the wrong ones. They were way to hot for this time of the year. I decide since I was alone on
> this side of the park I could just set around in my boxers and t
> shirt. Nobody ever knew. Boy, am I ever a wild person.
> I was having a good time setting there watching the fire when I
> noticed a little thunder. No problem I thought, it's going to go
> north of me. A slight breeze picked up. No problem I thought, It
> will make for better sleeping. It started to sprinkle. No problem I
> thought, in fact, it was kinda fun to set in the sprinkles and watch
> it sizzle when a drop would hit the fire.
> Then, it all broke loose. If heaven is a camp ground then god
> decided to throw a bucket of water out the door of his camper and
> it all landed on me.
> I ran for my little camper and quickly shut the windows.
> My friend Angel says your not really camping when you use camper.
> Tents are, according to her, the only real way to camp. Boy, I
> glad to have my little box when a sudden thunderstorm picks up.
> So, I'm setting there watching TV and the rain come down when I
> suddenly remembered I had brought that cot I have and it was setting
> out in the rain. I decide, stupidly, that I should go grab it. I run
> out in the rain, getting drenched, grab it, and track mud into the
> camper. Then as soon as I get it inside the camper the rain quits.
> I should have known.
> After the rain the fire was mostly out so I had baked potatoes
> and a turkey sandwich for supper. I had bought the sandwich meat at
> the mini mart in Trimont. Then I went to bed and slept peacefully.
> The next day Some teenagers on the other side of the park had a good idea.
> The had a canoe and rowed themselves to the other side of the lake
> for a morning swim. They had one of those paddles where there is a
> paddle on each end of the same stick and they made good time across
> the lake with that.
> I want for a hike on some of the trails and for dinner I didn't
> want to start another fire so I made some stuff on my camper stove.
> I went for a drive and got back to the campground around 10. I was setting by the fire when I heard voices on the lake. The teenagers had there canoe
> set up with the lights to be legal and were going around the lake
> fishing. They got all the way around the lake. When they came by me
> you could not even hear them. They really know how to paddle that
> thing quietly. If they hadn't been talking now and then in low
> voices I would never have known they where there. They were on the
> lake till midnight. Looked like fun!!!
> I went to bed around 1 after cooking some old fashion hot dogs
> on the fire.
> Sunday was a nice day. I tried out the new binoculars I bought in
> Fairmont the day before. I was able to see things on the other shore
> of the lake I never knew were there. I did some bird watching with
> them too. I'm going to like them.
> I regrettably packed it up around 3 and headed home.
> I did a lot more but, I'll tell you some other day.
> Have a nice day, Caveman Charlie
1993 Cobra Sunrise, 20 foot Travel Trailer.

I just look back on amazing memories of hiking, biking, and exploring our Nat'l Parks. We love Acadia, The Smokeys, Painted Rock National Seashore, Grand, Zion, Bryce, Glacier, and our favorite, Yellowstone. Our kids are grown with families of their own and are beginning to share the same with their families. I may be biased, but I really believe that family camping creates closeness and memories that have an incredible impact on children and families.

Last May, week long camping trip in Shenandoah National Park with our 14 year old grandson. Not his first time there with us, but first in a camper. I think he enjoyed it more this time. I we did.

Camping with our site along the lakeshore very rare in the Midwest. Just a short walk to the bench next to the water. Warm evening. Perfect!
2003 SunnyBrook 27FKS
2011 3/4 T Chevrolet Suburban
Equal-i-zer Hitch
One wife, two electric bikes (both Currie Tech Path+ models)

Most recently? Last May in Chaco Canyon. Just a few campers tucked away under a cliff in utter darkness. The absolute awesomeness of thinking about the people who lived there so long ago. Everybody in the CG spoke softly and used no more light than was necessary. lizzie

Like you said, too many to count.
Last summer our favorite memory was pure pleasure:
Waking up before dawn in Blackwood's CG in Acadia NP...walking down a short trail (with our coffee) and watching a gorgeous sunrise. Watching how the colors change and the gentle waves come in along the coastline. Breathtaking view.

That is an outstanding way to start the day!

Steve and Carol

Explorer II
Explorer II
There are so many in so many places.

A night which is often recounted was when we were in a Yukon Provincial Park along the Alaska highway. We were miles from any other civilization & there were only 1 oe 2 other campers in the CG. We had a lakeside site &, as all Yukon PPs, there was plenty of firewood. Just the 2 of us. We stayed up till well past 2:00AM. It never really did get dark.

Boat: 32' 1996 Albin 32+2, single Cummins 315hp
40+ night per year overnighter

2007 Alpenlite 34RLR
2006 Chevy 3500 LT, CC,LB 6.6L Diesel

Ham Radio: VP9KL, IRLP node 7995