I completely understand. Middle school wasn't too bad and we took our kids camping with our pop-up about once a month from Feb-Nov. We also took along their friends and a big tent so they'd have there place and we'd have ours.
I had an epiphany in the winter of 2007. DD turned 14 and was about to graduate 8th grade. DH had just gone on permanent disability and I was working as a school nurse Aug-May. The stars aligned and we had the money, the time off and the relative health to take the kids on a cross-country trip in the summer. I realized that it was now or never--I knew that when DD went into HS our lives would dramatically change and we wouldn't be able to take off on camping trips so easily as before. It was the last big family camping trip. We bought a small TT and an SUV and took off 2 days after school let out for the summer. 6,000 miles in 2 months. 22 states, 12 state parks,and 9 national parks.
Now the kids are all out of the house. Still, last summer DD21 made a point of joining us for a big family reunion at our favorite campground, and she even brought her BFF!
"Those who dwell...among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."--Rachel Carson, environmentalist, 1956
2009 Ford F250 XL
2006 Dutchmen 25F
Me & DH in non-parenting mode!