Travel Trailer Group
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Help!!!! Mice invasion

I discovered about three weeks ago a mouse nest in the drawer of my truck camper. It was fairly new because I check my camper thoroughly often. In the past three weeks I have caught 6 mice with the old fashion snap traps. I don’t see any evidence of ...

Caulking question

When a camper is originally assembled, there is caulk inside the joint between the pieces. For maintenance, does everybody just apply caulking to the surface?Or is there a way to somehow penetrate the joint with caulk? Thanks, Joel

2018 F350

I have a 2018 F350 diesel tow vehicle. Since it was brand new in March I have put 13K miles on it. Every 400-500 miles when I stop I can smell a little bit of oil burning. There is no noticeable oil usage, just the smell. I have had it in to the ...

grizz272 by Explorer
  • 13 replies

~1 year from retirement

Getting close to retirement and trying to decide what our next RV might be. We love our truck camper but wish we had a comfortable place to relax. The dining room booth just doesn't cut it for us on long trips. We aren't planning on full timing but...

dadwolf2 by Explorer
  • 46 replies

Getting roof White Again??

Got a 2nd TT, and roof wasn't been cleaned for several years and was pretty dirty almost black. I realize its not recommended, but took it to a car wash and between spray wand and soap brush, I was able to make it look better. Besides lots of Elbow...

6volt batteries in older Northern Lite

Has anyone put 6volt batteries in series in an older Northern Lite 10-2? I am in the process of upgrading DC power (new converter, batteries and wiring) on a 2004 Northern Lite 10-2. The problem is the 2 single battery compartments are located on o...

Ultimate TC hauler

Not selling this myself, nor do I know the guy, but anyone looking for a deal on a 5500 flatbed camper hauler, all setup, check out the Mastercraft boats Teamtalk forum. Guy in OR is selling a cherry, like new Ram 5500 hauler, decked out, for a decen...

Grit_dog by Navigator
  • 0 replies

End of TC era for Dakonthemountain

Hello All, I have been remiss in writing for some time here as our lives have changed in many, many ways during the last few years. Life is funny that way! During this time I went from a TC to a trailer, then back to a TC (my MOST favorite one ever!...