Feb-23-2014 04:54 AM
Feb-25-2014 04:50 AM
Feb-25-2014 04:09 AM
Go Dogs wrote:I once saw a sticker on a trailer that read "go ahead and knock, we are too old to rock". I wanted one but DW said definitely NO.
Instead of the 'states visited' map, get one of those, 'If this RVs a rockin, Don't come a knockin!'
She might change her mind about the map.
Feb-25-2014 03:59 AM
DutchmenSport wrote:
My wife won't let me install a urinal. So I just go outside. (just kidding).... but really, we've talked about it, and she said "no!"
She won't let me put any stickers on the RV (or the automobiles) either.
Feb-25-2014 12:27 AM
Feb-24-2014 11:41 PM
Winged One wrote:
I would like one, but she said no. Good call really, as it just wouldn't work with our paint scheme.
We have been talking about getting one of the cloth ones that we can hang in the back window.
What do you think?
Feb-24-2014 07:23 PM
Dog Folks wrote:peajay wrote:
I'm the wife and have to nag and nag until DH finally gives in. I wanted a fire pit for our backyard. Finally convinced him that they wreren't that expensive so last fall we finally got one. He LOVES it!
I've wanted a camper for years. Stopped at an RV dealer in December to just "check it out" and DH was surprised at what we could get for under 10k. We bought it in January and he CAN'T WAIT for warm weather to get here so he can go camping!
So he's slowly learning, after 17 years of marriage, that what momma wants momma eventually gets and it's generally something he wants but just doesn't know it at the time.
LOL After 30 or so years of marriage, I finally learned to say:" Yes, dear. Without fighting about it" It really works!
It is a lesson all us men have to learn. He will come around, sooner or later. LOL
Feb-24-2014 04:15 PM
BuckBarker wrote:
A 24 year old girlfriend.
Feb-24-2014 03:19 PM
Feb-24-2014 11:58 AM
Feb-24-2014 11:52 AM
Feb-24-2014 11:47 AM
Feb-24-2014 11:42 AM
Feb-24-2014 08:54 AM
Feb-24-2014 08:52 AM
Feb-24-2014 07:07 AM